Transportation for Liveable Communities: MEMORIAL PROCESSION - MARCH 22 2001
Presented To: Hamilton City CouncilPresented By: Transportation For Liveable Communities, a Working Group of McMaster OPIRG
- That the 1999 staff report Shifting Gears: A New Cycling Plan for Hamilton-Wentworth be implemented.
- That the $300,000 budget that has been dedicated to cycling initiatives each year since 1992 be maintained in 2001 and beyond.
- That motor vehicle speeds are enforced and, in residential areas, reduced to 30 km/hr.
- That traffic calming and other vehicle speed reduction techniques be implemented.
- That a Pedestrian Plan be developed for the New City of Hamilton.
- That a sidewalk needs study be conducted and priority areas identified.
- That sidewalks be built as part of any new development and that these sidewalks have a boulevard or separation between the sidewalk and the road
- That intersections in the New City be systematically reviewed and prioritized for necessary pedestrian-friendly improvements
- That snow clearance on frequently used sidewalks and trails be made a higher priority than road clearing and salting in residential neighbourhoods.
- That a City-wide Transportation Demand Management Plan be developed and implemented. Such a plan would provide incentives for walking and cycling and deterrents for single occupancy vehicle use.
- That the New City support development within urban areas and deter greenfield development.
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