CAR FREE WEEK 2006PARK IT: Transportation for Liveable Communities (TLC) celebrates alternatives to the private automobile with a week of car free events. 

Monday, S.18: Bus 'n hike 4pm to 7pm - grab the HSR bus to the local conservation area to visit a beautiful waterfall. Participants get free Waterfall and Bike Route maps. Meet at the bus stop near the McMaster Museum of Art 4pm sharp.
Tuesday, S.19:
Wednesday, S.20 IDLE FREE WESTDALE - 2pm, hand out mock idling tickets, meet at Global Village in Westdale (across from Tom Hortons)
Thursday, S.21: Bicycle/Pedestrian "Drive-IN" movie night at the Gage Park Bandshell. Free movies. Dusk
Friday, S.22: - Walking School Bus (Dundas)
- Car Free on King William Critical Mass and street party. 5:30 pm meet in front of the Sky Dragon Centre for a critical mass bike ride followed by a street party with live music featuring Kim and Frank Koren, D-Lishus, Kelly Grrrl, and the Funk Ambassadors.
Saturday, S.23
Sunday, S.24: Guided Nature Hike in Cootes Paradise nature sanctuary. 10am with Brian McHattie (ward 1 councillor). Meet in front of Union Market inside the McMaster Student Centre.
Sunday S. 24 - 1:00 to 3:00 pm SKETCH WALK: Join us on Sunday, September 24th as part of Car-Free Week for a two hour round-trip walk with sketching stops, info on local history and activities along the way. We'll meet at Mixed Media, 174 James St. N. at 1 pm and meander and stroll the streets of downtown Hamilton in search of things to sketch. It is free to participate and all our welcome to attend. Call Dave at Mixed Media for more info - 905-529-2323 .
transportation for liveable communities - 6 years of car free celebrations!
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