Monday, February 27, 2006

Spelling it out at MIP

This letter was sent by e-mail to McMaster administration and city staff and the ward councillor
Monday, February 27, 2006
Transportation for Liveable Communities (TLC) is a working group of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), McMaster with a focus on sustainable transportation.
Transportation for Liveable Communities is anxious to ensure our participation in the process involving development of transportation infrastructure at the McMaster Innovation Park on Longwood Road south.
Our previous communication with the city staff Alan Waterfield, October 18, 2005, appears to have gone unanswered, and so far the process via McMaster is filtered through the office of Karen Belaire, VP Administration.
At this juncture, TLC requests direct involvement in the process, rather than through proxy. As part of the McMaster community, and with six years as a volunteer group working for improved sustainable transportation in the city of Hamilton, TLC deserves a place at the table.
Given the pitiable state of the new McMaster front entrance which lacks cycling lanes and has made the pedestrian crossing more dangerous, TLC has real fears that without adequate consultation a long anticipated opportunity to enhance cycling and pedestrian infrastructure on Longwood risks being squandered.
We are especially interested in how this stretch, incorporating one of only three public road crossings linking Westdale/Ainslie Wood with downtown, is integrated into the broader pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, including the future possible extension of the Hamilton-Brantford rail trail to Studholme, and the possibility of connecting Longwood to Chatham street by a ped-bike path.
There are many opportunities to improve the cycling network within the study area, and as advocates we expect to see them fulfilled.
For these reasons, TLC expects to be included in correspondence and meetings regarding transportation as it pertains to the Innovation Park development.
We would appreciate a reply from McMaster administration and the City of Hamilton planners involved in this project.
Thank you for your time,